Coming up with today’s recipe title reminded me of another spinach recipe on this site – Garlic Dressing Spinach, which happens to be the very first post on StreetSmart Kitchen. That was almost a year ago, around summer time.

Ginger Sauce Spinach

How much has changed in life from last summer to this summer? Oh my friend, that’s a story for another time when we comfortably bury ourselves in armchairs with full glasses of wine in our hands.

How much has changed between the two spinach recipes from last summer to this summer? Aha! That I can tell you right now.

Ginger Sauce Spinach

First of all, because I am a disciplined little Asian woman, there is this simple rule that I obey for my recipes – EASY.HEALTHY.TASTY! Is that cool with you? 😛

Ginger Sauce Spinach

Yes?! Great! Now, let’s take a look at what’s special about this recipe.

#1 Shape spinach with a small flat-bottom bowl.
Cooking spinach cannot get easier. It literally only takes a minute to cook in boiling water. Just like making pasta, we rinse it in cold running water to make it nice and cool. Then we pack it into a small flat-bottom bowl firmly to squeeze out the water. Flip it onto your desired serving plate. You are half way done with this healthy dish!

Ginger Sauce Spinach

#2. Mix sauce and pour over the prepared spinach.
In Garlic Dressing Spinach recipe, our sauce was made from garlic and oyster sauce. By analogy, guess what’s in this Ginger Sauce? Ginger and oyster sauce. Easy! We are also going to add brown sugar, garlic, soy sauce and sesame oil. (I know, it’s totally Asian!) Combine everything with chicken broth and pour onto the prepared spinach. By now, you have finished 99% of it. Isn’t it just stupidly easy?

Ginger Sauce Spinach

#3. Final touch – top with chopped peanuts.
Last step! Sprinkle with chopped peanuts to finish it off gorgeously! That’s it! You have turned 9 ingredients into a fancy-looking delicious spinach dish in less than 9 minutes! Go give yourself a pad on the back and enjoy!

Ginger Sauce Spinach

Happy 4th of July! Cheers!

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Ginger Sauce Spinach

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  • Author: Sharon Chen
  • Category: Vegetables
  • Cuisine: Chinese
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A fancy-looking spinach dish that can be done in 8 minutes! It’s so darn healthy and delicious! Go get the recipe here!


Units Scale
  • 1 pound spinach
  • 1 tablespoon peanut, chopped

Ginger sauce for 1 serving:

  • 1 teaspoon ginger, minced or very finely chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, minced or pressed
  • 1 teaspoon oyster sauce
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce (coco aminos if gluten free)
  • 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon chicken broth


  1. Bring 2-quart water to a rapid boil. Add cleaned spinach and let it cook for 1 minute in boiling water without cover.
  2. Remove from heat. Drain and rinse in cold water. Drain again.
  3. Divide spinach in two small flat-bottom bowls and squeeze out the remaining water by using your fist against the spinach. Flip both bowls onto desired the serving plate respectively.
  4. Reuse these two small bowls to hold the sauce ingredients. One bowl for one serving, or you can double the sauce ingredients, stir together in one bowl, then divide into two portions.
  5. Pour each serving of sauce over each prepared spinach. Sprinkle chopped peanuts and serve!!


  • Serving Size: 2

About the Author

Sharon Chen, StreetSmart Kitchen

Sharon Chen is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and author of the Complete Sous Vide Cookbook. She believes food not only brings healing but also connection. As the creator of StreetSmart Kitchen, she aims to make meal prep easier than ever and help you find balance, ease, joy, and simplicity in the kitchen as you improve your well-being.