Whenever I encounter someone who’s on a low-carb or a no-carb diet, there’s a little voice from the back of my head whispering, “I will never ever be able to stick with a diet that takes noodles away from my life! Not gonna happen.”

It’s true. My love for noodles goes far beyond any other type of foods. If you ask my mom, she’ll tell you that when I was a kid, I might not be able to finish a small bowl of rice but I could always inhale a big bowl of noodles.

Now living in the States, I have access to all types of pasta and they all have different names and shapes. I couldn’t help wondering what the differences are and how to cook them. So I put on my apron as well as my nerdy pants and went deep into learning those yellowish little pieces that I couldn’t live without.

It turned out that pasta is categorized and named according to its shape. The shape of the pasta determines how the sauce will adhere to it. Aha! That makes sense. But what sauce goes well with what kind of pasta? Good question! I am glad you asked because I have the exact answer packed into an infographic, which you can refer to whenever you cook pasta.

And if you need a little more inspiration, here are a few pasta recipes that I make regularly.

Now download the infographic of Encyclopedia of Pasta by right clicking the image below and save to your computer or pin it on one of your Pinterest boards. If you think of a friend who will find this useful, please share! Happy Friday!

infographic: encyclopedia of pasta

About the Author

Sharon Chen is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, an author and a sous vide fanatic who believes food not only brings healing but also connection. As the creator of StreetSmart Kitchen, she's on a mission to help you find balance, ease, joy, and simplicity in the kitchen as you improve your well-being.