StreetSmart Kitchen

Tatung Rice Cooker (Multi-Cooker) Cookbook

Do you already own a Tatung Rice Cooker?

Are you thinking about getting one but not sure if it’s worth the investment?

You can’t find any decent recipes written in English to make in your rice cooker, can you?

Would you like to make the most out of your Tatung Rice Cooker and try cooking different cuisines with it, including Chinese, American, Italian, Thai, Mexican, and more?

If all of the above sounds familiar, StreetSmart Kitchen’s Tatung Rice Cooker Cookbook is made for you.

Tatung Rice Cooker Cookbook - all covers

Back in the day, a rice cooker usually only had one function—making rice. Nowadays, there are so many multi-functional rice cookers available on the market, with a million buttons for you to press, making it a bit harder for you to pick one that suits your needs well.

I grew up eating rice. As a result, I’ve seen and used different generations of rice cookers, witnessing the inventions becoming more and more advanced. And now they are called multi-cookers.

However, there’s one rice cooker that has been the same throughout the past century, and it didn’t get buried by all the new-tech products. In Taiwan, it is still the must-have cookware in many households to this day. Over the past decades, it has become more and more popular in western kitchens too.

You guessed it—this legendary rice cooker is the Tatung Rice Cooker, also known as the Tatung Multi-Cooker.

There are many reasons it has become a legendary piece of cookware. But these two reasons are enough to set it apart from a crowd of multi-cookers on the market.

  • It cooks all varieties of foods with only two switches—on and off.
  • It lasts practically forever.


My experience with the Tatung Rice Cooker started in 2012 when my Taiwanese-American boyfriend at the time (now my son’s father) introduced it to me. That was before this website even existed.

Ever since I started using the Tatung Rice Cooker, I have been madly in love with its simplicity, quality, durability, and most importantly, its magical ability to cook all foods with only one pot and two switches.

So I started writing about it and sharing my experience with the people who appreciate the rice cooker as much as I do.

Over the years, many Tatung Rice Cooker owners who reside in the States, Canada, Australia, and Singapore have reached out to me, asking for recipes to make in the rice cooker. So I did a little survey and found out some interesting facts.

  • Nearly 40% of the Tatung Rice Cooker owners use it only 1-2 times per week.
  • 45% of the owners use it to cook rice only, and 8.2% of them use it to steam vegetables.
  • 72.1% of the participants want to cook all kinds of cuisines with their rice cooker, not just Asian food.
  • check Last but not least, about 50% of the participants would like to make one-pot meals in the rice cooker.

With the survey results in mind, I’ve created and selected some of my favorite recipes to make in the Tatung Rice Cooker and compiled them in this cookbook.


StreetSmart Kitchen’s Tatung Rice Cooker Cookbook covers the basics of cooking all foods in a Tatung Rice Cooker, not just rice. It includes three main sections.

  • Introduction – Everything you need to know about the Tatung Rice Cooker, aka Tatung Multi-Cooker
  • Recipes – Step-by-step instructions and vibrant photos, mostly one-pot meals
    • Everything about rice – white rice, brown rice, Mexican rice, classic risotto
    • Steam – vegetables, eggs, fish
    • Cook – stew, soups, Jambalaya, stuffed peppers
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • A Thank-You Gift

Here’s a sneak peek inside.


To ensure that your purchase and download go smoothly, here are a few simple instructions on how to buy.

  1. Click the “buy now” button on this page. It’ll take you to a PayPal page with my merchant’s name, “DelishPlan LLC,” description, price, and quantity. Then click “Continue.”
  2. Log into your PayPal account on the next page or choose to pay via debit or credit card.
  3. Once you’ve successfully made the payment, click the “RETURN TO THE MERCHANT” button at the bottom of the confirmation page. It’ll take you directly to the book’s download page.
  4. If for any reason you can’t find where to download the book, please feel free to reach out to me directly at [email protected] with your receipt. I’ll make sure you receive the book. 🙂


This is just the first edition of the cookbook. I intend to build up the recipe collection and tips and tricks that I learn along the way to include in future editions.

As a token of my appreciation, if you purchase this first edition of the cookbook, you’ll receive all updated new editions for free in the future.

So make sure you leave your email address below, so I know how to contact you and where to send the updates. In addition, you’ll also receive a free one-dish meals cookbook with 18 delicious recipes as soon as you sign up.

Now, grab your copy of Tatung Rice Cooker Cookbook and learn how to make the most out of your Tatung Rice Cooker today! It’s easier than you think.

$8.9​​​​​​​​​​9 $11.99